Hello packagers,

we are facing an issue when updating runc. It happens that docker requires runc, but requires a very specific git commit of it. Thus, when we packaged a previous version of docker (1.12.1), we did packaged runc as


(it was not 22222 but the commit, but this is better for explaining it, see below)

Now, we packaged a new version of docker, which requires runc to be commit 1111, thus we did


However, zypper won't see 1.0.0+git11111 as an update to 1.0.0+git22222, but as a downgrade.

So, how to fix this?

We thought about a solution. Since it is the version required by docker, we could fix this by renaming runc to docker-runc, and, instead of using 1.0.0+git11111 as a version, use the docker version (in this case, 1.12.3), thus our package will be




not sure what is semantically better ....

Then, the questions are

1- Is this a good idea? Have in mind, this is for openSUSE Leap, openSUSE Factory and also for SLE-12

2- Have you had a similar issue with another package? How did you overcame it?

3- Do you have a better idea?

Here is a link to the bug:



Jordi Massaguer Pla