My File Server has Suse Linux 9.0 with KDE 3.1.4 installed.
If i use the local X-Display for loging in and getting a KDE environment, everything is fine
(i can lauch kcontrol from the Start-menu or from a console window.)

If i am using a remot X-Server (X-WinPro 5.0) with 8-Bit Color, nearly anyning is ok,
but i cannot start kcontrol. I get a SIGSEGV message shortly after launch. A lot of other KDE-Apps
are working ok.

If i am using the remot X-Server with 16 or 24-Bit Color, i get a lot of crashes when starting kde
(konqueror, ksplash ...)

What can be the reason and how can i fix the problem?


Jürgen Pfeiffer

SesKion Softwareentwicklung und System Konzeption GmbH

( : +49-711-9905814
Karlsruher Str. 11/1

Fax: +49-711-9905827
D-70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen