Thank you!

By update of package pam_mount to version 2.17-2.1 the issue is fixed. I am up and running again.

Thanks to all involved fixing this!

Am Do., 26. Nov. 2020 um 22:21 Uhr schrieb Jan Engelhardt <>:
On Thursday 2020-11-26 18:24, Frank wrote:

>Dear All,
>after updating to this snapshot I'm no longer able to mount my luks encrypted home, which was perfectly mounted on
>login per pam before.
>The command-line I used to mount upon today is:
>mount -t crypt -ofsk_cipher=aes-256-cbc -ofsk_hash=md5 -okeyfile=/home/franks.key -ofsck /home/franks.img
>The error message is:
>mount: /home/franks: unknown filesystem type 'crypt'

Made SRs 851168 and 851169.