I think that those icons come from the Tango Project. Correct me if I'm wrong.
IMHO,  a true GNOME and a true KDE icon in the installer looks much better, just the way it was.

On 10/15/06, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopteri@gmail.com> wrote:
* Bart Otten <bart.otten85@gmail.com> [10-15-06 08:21]:
> Also  in the installer in the screen of choices an Gnome-styled icon
> is used for KDE. That is not fair, KDE does use more and brighter
> colors and that may be shown. It did not look bad in 10.1 so why
> change it? Because SUSE is gonna be Gnome-style?

Perhaps you should do some basic research before making an inaccurate
statement as above, "Because SUSE is gonna be Gnome-style?".

You are just feeding the multi-headed dragon.
Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535
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