Well- nice topic :-)
IMO (and it's not worth much anyway), we probably need a customised Linux solution for schools. I think KDE 3 or similar has new "edu" software (or is that a separate project?), but how far that will go is questionable. Copying RM might not be a good idea anyway, brings back too many "bad" memories....Innovate. Use RM's method as a basis to analyse exactly why it is accepted (apart from the financial incentives that is ;-), what it does, how, and then how Linux can accomplish this. Just my opinion again. Use a named distro like Redhat to build from, and then people will know what your distro is based on and "trust" it. However, any distro like SuSE and RedHat (not sure about Debian myself) will suffice for schools; it may be that you would be better concentrating on just building a unified connection system similar to RM but offering more besides based upon stable Linux.
Someone has been mentioning A levels etc., and I think a similar topic was discussed a while back. I have passed more course recently in an HND course and when working with Windows STILL haven't a clue!!! MS seem to have made things harder by abstracting all the bits that show it working and how it works, which makes it harder to support. With Linux it's a few scripts and then your'e away :-)  The education system even at HND level and beyond is questionable when it comes to IT. I fear for my sanity at times....
Anyway, good discussion--and a good idea in germ form that others may want to help with (I pass..I couldn't program to save my life never mind open source).
Paul :-)