Dear conference goer! You've indicated that you'd like to support our conference . That is absolutely awesome! We unfortunately have to tell you that we had to cancel the dinner with all supporters and speakers: with 90 speakers and even more supporters, it is simply not possible for us to organize such a event. However, you still get the goodie in the bag and extra love from us! If you would like to cancel your support for the conference, we will understand. If you still want to support us, please use one of the links below to pay, or bring the money in cash with you to the event. Payment from within Europe/in Euro: Payment outside of Europe/in USD/AUD/CAD/JPY/NZD: At the conference, you'll get a sticker or note on your badge saying you're a supporter of the event. If, due to some oversight, we miss adding this to your badge, please notify us. We'd like everyone to know who the kind folks are that are helping to make this event possible!!! Greetings and thanks a lot, Jos Poortvliet