On Montag, 4. März 2013, 12:28:47 wrote Pablo Speciale:

> Hi,


> Since I am new with obs, I am asking for some directions.



> Questions:


> * Which is the status of the proposed workflow for git:

> http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Concept_GitUpstreamSupport


A prototype for some parts of git support exists. But it is not ready to be

used and no one currently works on it.


> * In case of using the separated workflow, is there an easy way to

> add/delete files using the information of the new tarball? Assuming

> the building dependencies are the same, the only difference would be

> these changes (adding/deleting files, if I understand correctly). For

> adding, I think I could use something extreme like: osc add `find .`.

> But for deleting... it may be more complicated.


osc addremove


> * Is there an example of a package which use cmake? Particularly, I

> would like to have an example for a library.


osc whatdependson openSUSE:Factory cmake standard i586


and pick one :)


> * For a ubuntu package, for example, will the system generated a

> repository with all the dependencies ready and possible to be added as

> a repository into /etc/apt/sources.list?




> Or will the user need to

> install all the dependency manually? What about the unnecessary

> dependencies (like packages that are already in default repositories)?


it is up to the ubuntu installer to handle this.






Adrian Schroeter

SUSE Linux Products GmbH

email: adrian@suse.de