>>> Reply on 16-11-2006 9:25:44 <<<> Hello,

> are there any objections of creating the project games:data?

> The sole purpose would be to store DATA Blobs of Games (I'd start
> filling it with DATA of UFO:AI, RC6 to be released soon).
> The idea is to have inside only a SINGLE repository, with a name like

> This would allow to have the data file only built a single time. The
> disadvantage for the user (at the moment) is the need to subscribe to
> two repos for the game to come in. (also look at other posts from me
> and
> Adrian on this topic).

> But I think that's still the better deal than having the Data blob (~
> 160MB for UFO) built several times.

Just as a follow up and as publicity :-)
UFOAI RC6 got released yesterday evening. The packages are prepared and are waiting for some free time on the BS to be built.
As agreed, the data files are now in games:data -> repository Generic
and the binaries (i586 and x86-64) are in games:strategy:turn-based
Regards and thanks for all your valuable help and support!