Lingshan Zhu changed bug 971549
What Removed Added
Resolution --- WONTFIX

Comment # 7 on bug 971549 from
I assume it is the "same initiator name" on same "initiator node" issue.

When more than one node use the same initiator name, that will cause confusion
on the target side.The only case that can use same initiator name on different
nodes are multi source access like multipath, then multipath will manage the
traffic, but obviously this bug is not that a case. Then it will cause error
recovery at sessions, then close the sessions. so the errors shown.

The most important thing is,please always follow the spec to use different
initiator names.

For details, please see RFC 3720, section 9.1.1 Conservative Reuse of
ISIDs,section,Session Recovery, section 12.5 Initiator name,
3.2.3.iSCSI Login and 5.3.1 Login Phase Start.

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