Dominique Leuenberger changed bug 1001553
What Removed Added

Comment # 7 on bug 1001553 from
(In reply to Dominique Leuenberger from comment #6)
> Now, they are straight forward to backport to GNOME 3.22 (Current
> Tumbleweed) - but a bit less straight forward for GNOME 3.20 (Leap 42.2)

Hmm.. I'm not even sure this bug is applicable to Leap - or if there is
anything to be done; somebody willing to test this? Otherwise we can actually
close it: the fix is pending review/acceptance into GNOME:Factory

436423  State:new        By:Zaitor       When:2016-10-19T17:26:48
        submit:          GNOME:Next/polari@75 ->                           
        Review by Group      is accepted:  gnome-maintainers(Zaitor)            
        Descr: This fixes the emapthy for Tumbleweed at least - for 42.2 it
               take a bit more, as the patches do not cleanly apply on 3.20.x
        Comment: Ok

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