Karol Mroz changed bug 907694
What Removed Added
CC   kmroz@suse.com

Comment # 1 on bug 907694 from
Thanks for the report!

This strikes me as a case where we're adding the same address to an interface
twice. You'll get a similar reply from `ip addr add dev lo` ->
"File exists" instead of our "Object exists" (the difference I think we can sum
up to the reporting mechanism used).

I read through the kernel a bit, and from what I see, the loopback interface by
default get's ::1/ addresses assigned. The driver sets type/flags to
ARPHRD_LOOPBACK and IFF_LOOPBACK respectively, and these are later used to
identify and set the default addresses. I've not traced through the kernel to
confirm this, but it's a suspicion. This process may collide with Wicked's
attempt to initialize lo and we get some complaints from netlink.

Have you noticed any system impact?


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