Marcus Schaefer changed bug 937135
What Removed Added
Resolution --- INVALID

Comment # 3 on bug 937135 from
installstick=true generates an install disk image, as you saw it with


you can test installations with this type of image in qemu as follows:

     qemu-img create /tmp/mydisk 6g
     qemu-kvm -hda file.raw.install.raw -hdb /tmp/mydisk

allows to install onto hdb

or for a real live test, grab a USB stick and dump the file.raw.install.raw on
the stick via

     dd if=file.raw.install.raw of=/dev/stick-device

plug in the stick to a laptop or other test machine which has at least one disk
in it and install from stick to the disk on the machine

However With the support for hybrid install iso's you don't really need disk
install iamges anymore.

The above tests were all successful on my systems. I think you just have booted
the file.raw.install.raw but did not attach another disk to the system. This
results in the correct error message:

   No device(s) for installation found...abort' reboot

I don't see a bug

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