Comment # 10 on bug 915160 from
Regarding dhcp -- could you start tcpdump and then trigger NM to setup
the interface (start NetworkManager)?

ip link set up wlp3s0
tcpdump -envfi wlp3s0 -s 65535 -U -w dhcp4.out 'udp port 67 or udp port 68'

and trigger the NetworkManager to setup the interface and after a while,
abort tcpdump with Ctrl-C and attach the dhcp4.out file along with the
/var/log/NetworkManager and /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log log files?

Make sense to reset the log files before using e.g.:
  cp -b /dev/null /var/log/NetworkManager
  cp -b /dev/null /var/log/wpa_supplicant.log

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