Michael Andres changed bug 980064
What Removed Added
Assignee ma@suse.com adrian@suse.com

Comment # 5 on bug 980064 from
> $ zypper in glibc-debuginfo-2.23-2.1.x86_64
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> 'glibc-debuginfo-2.23-2.1.x86_64' not found in package names. Trying capabilities.
> No provider of 'glibc-debuginfo-2.23-2.1.x86_64' found. ['--plus-content debug'?]

Zypper already hints you to the '--plus-content debug' option if a requested
-debuginfo package was not found (FATE#316287).

> --plus-content tag
>   Additionally use disabled repositories providing a specific keyword. 
>   Disabled repositories are refreshed and those providing the specified
>   tag keyword are temporarily enabled. To enable for example repositories 
>   which may provide additional -debuginfo or -debugsource packages use 
>   '--plus-content debug'. You can specify this option multiple times.

> $ zypper --plus-content debug in glibc-debuginfo-2.23-2.1.x86_64

This however requires that the debug repos are known (but not necessarily
enabled) on the system and the debug repos correctly provide the 'debug'
keyword in their metadata.

Both is not within zyppers scope.

Assigning it to Adrian, as it looks like most (sustetags) Repos containing
-debuginfo or -debugsource packages do not have a 'debug' keyword assigned.

> susetags: REPOKEYWORDS debug
> rpmmd:    <tags><content>debug</content>

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