Dominique Leuenberger changed bug 991266
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Comment # 3 on bug 991266 from
The license tag of libreoffice does not only contain know OSI open source

License     : Apache-2.0 and Artistic-1.0 and BSD-3-Clause and BSD-4-Clause and
GPL-2.0+ and LPPL-1.3c and LGPL-2.1+ and LGPL-3.0 and MPL-1.1 and MIT and
SUSE-Public-Domain and W3C

At least SUSE-Public-Domain is not OSI Open Source (appstream knows about
'public domain' license, but in this case would actually assign the 'public
domain' badge to this package (We can patch as-glib to handle
SUSE-Public-Domain as 'Public Domain' - but that only changes the badge).

The question should rather be if this license tag is actually correct

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