Comment # 2 on bug 966042 from
Still not fixed in current Tumblemweed 20160707 and Yast2 3.1.195-1.1

I get different outputs for a normal user and root:

> yast timezone help
No permissions.

YaST Configuration Module timezone

Time zone configuration

Basic Syntax:
    yast2 timezone interactive
    yast2 timezone <command> [verbose] [options]
    yast2 timezone help
    yast2 timezone longhelp
    yast2 timezone xmlhelp
    yast2 timezone <command> help

    list     List all available time zones
    set      Set new values for time zone configuration
    summary  Time zone configuration summary

Run 'yast2 timezone <command> help' for a list of available options.

print() on unopened filehandle STDERR at /usr/lib/perl5/5.24.0/
line 651, <STDIN> line 19 during global destruction.
print() on unopened filehandle STDERR at /usr/lib/perl5/5.24.0/
line 653, <STDIN> line 19 during global destruction.
Invalid snapshot ''.

> sudo yast timezone help
[sudo] password for root: 

YaST Configuration Module timezone

Time zone configuration

Basic Syntax:
    yast2 timezone interactive
    yast2 timezone <command> [verbose] [options]
    yast2 timezone help
    yast2 timezone longhelp
    yast2 timezone xmlhelp
    yast2 timezone <command> help

    list     List all available time zones
    set      Set new values for time zone configuration
    summary  Time zone configuration summary

Run 'yast2 timezone <command> help' for a list of available options.

Warning: unable to close filehandle properly: Bad file descriptor, <STDIN> line
    19 during global destruction (#1)
    (S io) There were errors during the implicit close() done on a filehandle
    when its reference count reached zero while it was still open, e.g.:

            open my $fh, '>', $file  or die "open: '$file': $!\n";
            print $fh $data or die "print: $!";
        } # implicit close here

    Because various errors may only be detected by close() (e.g. buffering
    allow the print in this example to return true even when the disk is full),
    it is dangerous to ignore its result. So when it happens implicitly, perl
    signal errors by warning.

    Prior to version 5.22.0, perl ignored such errors, so the common idiom
    above was liable to cause silent data loss.

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