Pawel Wieczorkiewicz changed bug 908436
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Comment # 5 on bug 908436 from
This is probably a duplicate of: boo#914842 and boo#916042.

Does your wireless network with SSID Orange-f5f6 use WPA1 or WPA2 auth mode? If
the answer is WPA1 then it is a duplicate. To find out about that, you could

1) ifup $YOUR_WIRELESS_INTERFACE - It does not matter if it failed or not, at
least it should be up.
2) iwlist $YOUR_WIRELESS_INTERFACE scanning essid $YOUR_SSID

And provide the output from the last command to us.

But first of all please try again with the latest wicked 0.6.18 (which is
already a port of 13.2). 

If it still does not work please provide the logs again as described here: (please note the
wpa_supplicant part).

Relevant excerpt from current logs:
Dec 04 21:38:12.017540 gardenia wickedd[5615]: successfully added port eth0
into master br0
Dec 04 21:38:12.017811 gardenia wickedd[5615]: successfully added port
wlp0s29f7u1 into master br0
Dec 04 21:38:34.293558 gardenia wicked[5637]: br0: state=firewall-up
want=network-up, wait-for=link-up
Dec 04 21:38:34.293969 gardenia wicked[5637]: eth0: state=firewall-up
want=network-up, wait-for=link-up
Dec 04 21:38:34.294420 gardenia wicked[5637]: waiting for 2 devices to become
ready (2 explicitly requested)
Dec 04 21:38:40.287048 gardenia kernel: R8188EU: ERROR sta recv deauth reason
code(2) sta:5c:33:8e:d2:1d:c1
Dec 04 21:38:40.296371 gardenia kernel: R8188EU: ERROR indicate disassoc

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