Comment # 12 on bug 981422 from
SUSE-SU-2016:1602-1: An update that solves 5 vulnerabilities and has three
fixes is now available.

Category: security (important)
Bug References: 979302,981422,982056,982064,982065,982066,982067,982068
CVE References:
Sources used:
SUSE OpenStack Cloud 5 (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Manager Proxy 2.1 (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Manager 2.1 (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SP3-LTSS (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11-SP2-LTSS (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Debuginfo 11-SP3 (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3
SUSE Linux Enterprise Debuginfo 11-SP2 (src):    ntp-4.2.8p8-47.3

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